Monday, April 20, 2009

ubuntu linux server/desktop + nfs

Trying to configure nfs to work between linux ubuntu desktop and linux ubuntu server turned out to be quite hard..

nfs server side:
1. install nfs-common
sudo aptitude -P install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

2. add some directories to be exported
sudo vi /etc/exports
/tempshare ip-add-client
where ip-add-client is the host that is allowed to access the nfs

3. add ip-add-client entries into hosts.allow
portmap: ip-add-client
mountd: ip-add-client

4. sudo exportfs -a

5. if it doesnt work later, restart the server

nfs client side:
1. install nfs-common

sudo aptitude -P install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

2. sudo mount.nfs ip-add-server:/shared_dir mount_dir

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