Friday, June 12, 2009

setting up hive + hadoop 0.20.0

Some errors:
I got FAILED: Unknown exception : Wrong FS: hdfs://10.1.1.x:9000/tmp/hive-hadoop/1201106067, expected: hdfs://slave:9000,
the solution: modify hadoop/conf/slaves to have the ip address 10.1.1.x (previously it was localhost

Curtin v1.0

- Facilitate an online forum for each class, where materials are shared, students can discuss problems, give reviews, see photos..and the forum can be accessed from facebook? so starting small by doing what?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Most of my stuffs are in Diigo

Most of the stuffs (technical) that I encountered are now bookmarked in

Web 2.1 ??

Watched some good videos about google wave (from google io 2009), and also a video about the history of how the web evolved until now..
Just been thinking if it is possible to create a distributed version control over all the contents (at least the public ones) of the internet?
If the companies out there just somehow stores every version of their websites, so we (as internet users) do not need to worry about stale links anymore as the company stores it along with the new pages..

if the company goes down, then maybe it can submit the contents (public ones) to a public server maybe ??

problems: copyright..

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some improvements of web2.0?

Some improvements of web2.0?

It would be nice if we can somehow add sticky notes to video??And also if there is a website that can process other websites, simplify their layouts so the end users are not trapped within a complex UI...i.e. I am at lost when navigating the website..a quick look of it will scare me of not finding what i want.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mahout Hadoop

Java regex to strip all non-alphanumeric chars
word = word.replaceAll("\\W", "");

Saturday, May 9, 2009

TortoiseHG explorer menu doesnt work in XP64

use 32bits explorer instead: (and then you can see the context menu)
'%windir%\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate

TortoiseHG explorer menu doesnt work in XP64

use 32bits explorer instead: (and then you can see the context menu)
'%windir%\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate

Thursday, May 7, 2009

IPhone mobile terminal

This article is obtained from

Updated Aug 16, 2008 by catfacts3192
Labels: Featured
Tips and Tricks for working with Mobile Terminal.

This page is a collection of tips and tricks that people have found useful. Please feel free to leave your own in the comments, but put feature requests in the Issues section.
Hide the Keyboard

Tap twice quickly on the screen to hide the keyboard. Repeat to bring it back.
Control Characters

You can send a control-C by pressing the "bullet" key (First press ".?123", then "#+=", then the circle on the middle right), then press the C key. This can be useful when you want to escape out of a long running program such as ping. Control-C can also be accessed with a short Up-Right and Control is a short Down-Right swipe, after which the cursor will turn highlight red, from here press any character q, x, c, A to complete or the delete button to exit Control mode.

Escape is control-[ or a short Up-Left swip, which may come in handy with vi. Tab is control-I or a short Down-Left swip (yay tab completion).
Swipe Controls

Swipe Type Direction Action
Short Up-Right Control-C
Short Down-Right Control-
Short Up-Left Esc
Short Down-Left Tab
Short up/down/left/right arrow keys (respectively)
Long Up None (functions as up-arrow)
Long Down Enter
Long Left None
Long Right None
Two Finger Up Config
Two Finger Down Hide Keyboard
Two Finger Left Page-Up/Next
Two Finger Right Page-Down/PREV

None of the Two Finger Swipes seem to work right in 2.0 firmware
Multiple Terminals

Terminal comes with four terminal windows. Tap on the battery icon to go right, tap directally on the time to go left, and tap on the carrier name (AT&T or iPod) to crash Terminal (or do a really quick killall Terminal depending on how you look at it).
Things to do with your terminal

While this is in no way a full how-to for UNIX systems, these are some of the commands that you may find useful for your Terminal.


1. cp file /
2. cp -r folder /
3. cp folder /
4. cp -r /folder .
5. cp /file ..

1. Copies file from the current directory to / the root directory

Command cp
Common Flags -r
# Copies the folder "folder" and its subdirectories and files to the root
# Copies the folder "folder" to the root, without its subdirectories
# copies /folder to current directory ( . stands for current directory )
# copies /file to the directory above the current ( .. stands for the directory above this )


1. rm file
2. rm -fr folder
3. rm -r non-empty-folder
4. rm -r empty-folder

1. removes file completely (there is no trash, files deleted with rm are GONE)

Command rm
Common Flags -f -r
# removes folder and its contents recursivly
# this will fail, if a folder has contents you must use -f
# this is fine, it will remove empty-folder
Free Space


1. df
2. df -h

1. This will output ...

Command df
Common Flags -h

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s1 2048000 465184 1562336 23% /
devfs 18 18 0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s2 13811364 9972572 3838792 73% /private/var

# This will output ... (-h is for Human-Readable)

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s1 2.0G 455M 1.5G 23% /
devfs 18K 18K 0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s2 14G 9.6G 3.7G 73% /private/var

Make Folder


1. mkdir my-dir
2. mkdir my dir
3. mkdir my\ dir - or - mkdir "my dir"
4. mkdir /mydir
5. mkdir ~/myowndir

1. makes the directory my-dir

Command mkdir
Common Flags none
# makes the directories my and dir
# makes the directory "my dir" with a space
# makes the directory mydir below the root
# makes the directory myowndir inside your home folder

(root home folder is /private/var/root, mobile is /private/var/mobile)
Move About


1. cd
2. cd ~
3. cd /
4. cd ..
5. cd adir
6. cd /mydir

1. goes to your home directory

Command cd
Common Flags none
# same as cd
# goes to the root
# goes up one directory
# goes to adir (if it exists)
# goes to /mydir
Direct Output


1. ping >output.txt
2. df -h >freespace
3. echo "hello world" >hello_world.txt
4. ls -R / >/dev/null

1. puts the output of the ping command into a txt file

Command * >*.*
# put the output of "df -h" into freespace
# puts "hello world" into hello_world.txt
# runs the command "ls -R /" (careful thats a lot of output) but doesn't do anything with the output
Background Processes


1. killall SpringBoard &
2. killall SpringBoard >/dev/null &

1. runs the command in the background

Command * &
# runs the command in the background and hides the output
Common unix binaries

Get the latest iphone-binkit from which contains lots of useful unix binaries. Also there ssh, apache, python, ruby. Join #iphone-shell on for more discussion.

For some tips on setting up and using sshd and an ssh client see:

Binary packages:

Mobile Browser + Access Keys

Access Keys is just a shortcut for some commands that you can execute by pressing a combination of keys on the keyboard.

Depending on your browser, you should

* Mozilla Firefox 1.5: hold Alt, press access key
* Mozilla Firefox 2, 3 on Windows and Linux: hold Alt-Shift, press access key
o Mozilla Firefox on Mac OS X: hold Ctrl, press access key
* Internet Explorer 6: hold Alt, press access key
* Internet Explorer 7: hold Alt-Shift, press access key
* Opera (all platforms): press Shift-Esc, then press access key (Shift-Esc will display the list of choices)
* Google Chrome: hold Alt, press access key
* Safari: hold Ctrl-Alt, press access key

See access keys for more information on this concept.
This is helpful to navigate the site for people with disabilities.

XAMPP allows user

in apache/conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf
where the directory is : xampp/security/htdocs
- Allow from ip address

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Enabling b2evolution file:// uri

1. add 'file' into the $allowed_uri_scheme array
2. This only works with IE, not FF atm.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mercurial HG + Tortoise HG + Putty + PuttyLink

Problem cloning HG repo when it is copied from Windows to linux and they have different version:
1. Have a look at .hg\requires file and maybe delete the line that has fncache
2. Try cloning it again hg clone ssh://user@host//path

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Javac stuffs + WinSCP

javac -classpath ..\..\..\mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar

cmd /c fc "!" "!^!" | more && pause


The latest B2Evolution 3.1.0 beta:
- easy to manage the widgets in Blog Settings, can add/remove/reposition/edit the widget.
Edit the widget -> change the text etc
and you can also edit the index.main.php to have what you want.

Doco for skins 2.0 =>

- i just created a new custom skin, basically copy and paste from custom skin

usermod -G group userid
hg clone ssh://userid@server//path/to/app dirToSave

Putty Tips
> Every time I accidentally press Ctrl+s in Putty when connected to any=20
> Linux box via ssh, my session stops responding. How do I restore it?
Try ctrl-q. If I remember correctly, this is leftover from the old days
when a dumb terminal would send a ctrl-s character if it was receiving
data faster than it could display it, and then send a ctrl-q when it
could handle it again.

b2evolution upgrade to 2.4.5 + mysql bak

Backup your database:
mysqldump -umyname -p b2evolution > dumpfile.sql

Backup your b2evolution folder, copy and paste should be ok.

Then: from /b2evolution/doc/upgradefrom_b2evo.html

Upgrading from a previous version of b2evolution

Before you begin, please note that some network features of b2evolution require you to agree our simple Terms of service.

1. Backup all your b2evolution files. Take special care of the files you may have modified, including /conf, /skins, /plugins, your /media directory and possibly stubfiles, hacks or custom templates...
2. You should also backup your database if you can. This functionality should be provided by your host.
3. If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.0, we highly recommend you clean up outdated files. To achieve this, delete your b2evolution folders except /media. Folders to delete include /admin, /conf, /cron, /htsrv, /inc, /install, /plugins, /skins, /skins_adm, /xmlsrv. Depending on your version, you may not have all of these folders on your server. Also, again, make sure you have a backup before deleting.
4. Upload all new b2evolution files from the /blogs folder to your site. We cannot stress this enough: ALL FILES! And that means you cannot reuse your /conf files, default skin templates or default plugins as they are.

Since your custom skins and custom plugins should be using different names, they will not be overwritten. Same for your media files.

The one file you must absolutely restore from your backup (see step 1) though is /blogs/conf/_basic_config.php. You will need to either restore or recreate that file in order to proceed with upgrade.
5. Run the installation/upgrade script on your server. It is located in . Then, simply follow the on screen instructions.

The installer/upgrader will allow you to run a database upgrade from any b2evolution version to the new one.
6. Check to make sure the new installation works.
7. Check the online manual for specific upgrade instructions to your new version of b2evolution.
8. On production servers, it is recommended that you delete the /install subfolder.
9. If you had hacks or other customizations to the core files, your can bring those back now. We recommend you get yourself a diff/merge tool like WinMerge. This will allow you to easily compare your old (backuped) files with the new files (even whole directories at once) and report changes accordingly.

The next step is to upgrade the skins..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Solaris SunOs

Few important directories
- /etc/sudoers
- /etc/local/samba/lib/smb.conf

Find text in files:
find /directoryToFind -type f -exec grep Thankyou {} \;
grep -lir "Support Request and Feedback Form" *


ORCA is finally live!!
After years of waiting, finally the Seattle community can buy smartcards to be used in the public transport system from
You can buy cards, register them, add products into the cards, configure autoloads and so on.
This is also a huge accomplishment for ERG, the software provider.

orcacard is one of the two public websites, where the other one is for the institutions like Boeing and Microsoft.

Another two websites are private, they are for the agencies and call-center.


I am trying to fix problem on b2evolution 1.9.3 where the admin user cannot review a new post.

1. Write a new post,
2. Then click review.

Instead of showing the review, it will return to the blog, as if I click "Exit to blog" link.

There are about 6 blogs in the same domain and only one has this problem.
This happens every time I try to login as admin where the path to index php not does have the blog id as parameter, i.e.
it works if I login like this,

but it does NOT work if I do this (clicking the login button)

Still trying to fix this problem

Monday, April 27, 2009

Internet explorer does not display *.ico file

internet explorer does not display *.ico file when it is not in the correct icon format (png, jpg, gif, etc, read and ).

It has to be in the proper ico file, so you can use free icon editor such as IconFx to edit your icon file and save it as proper *.ico (16x16).

Friday, April 24, 2009

Using IETester to simulate IE5.5, 6, 7, 8

I used IETester to simulate IE5.5, 6, 7, 8 java script engine, to prove that an issue originated from the usage of IE8.
IETester is quite easy to use, altough I don't know where to setup the compatibilty option (Tools > Compatibility View Settings in IE8)..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Firefox save webpage as maff or mht

With 2 firefox add-ons, we can save a webpage as a single compressed file MozillaCompressedFile( or MHT (

Monday, April 20, 2009

ubuntu linux server/desktop + nfs

Trying to configure nfs to work between linux ubuntu desktop and linux ubuntu server turned out to be quite hard..

nfs server side:
1. install nfs-common
sudo aptitude -P install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

2. add some directories to be exported
sudo vi /etc/exports
/tempshare ip-add-client
where ip-add-client is the host that is allowed to access the nfs

3. add ip-add-client entries into hosts.allow
portmap: ip-add-client
mountd: ip-add-client

4. sudo exportfs -a

5. if it doesnt work later, restart the server

nfs client side:
1. install nfs-common

sudo aptitude -P install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap

2. sudo mount.nfs ip-add-server:/shared_dir mount_dir

Monday, April 13, 2009

New software

I am surprised to find out how easy it is to browse the web using Opera browser. You can easily navigate through the links using Shift-Up/Right/Down/Left.

And if you minimize the browser, it trims its memory usage way down (typical of .Net WinForm application). I am not aware if this behaviour is available in Firefox or Google Chrome. 

Now I can surf the internet without touching my mice at all!!

Also I am disappointed that Altiris SVS does not run under 64 bits painful it is..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

SQLServer_2005 + VisualStudio_2008

*.mdf file can be used as a database replacement (you do have to install SQLServer to access the mdf file).

Just be aware that the log file *LDF must be deleted every time a new *mdf file is deployed. Otherwise the connection cannot be established.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



apache 2.0
error: "There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected"
solution: The default-server.conf might be missing 
<Directory "/srv/www/yourdomain">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grails + Acegi + IntelliJ

- Create new Grails application project.
- Create a new domain class using 'grails create-domain-class domain' and make sure the name does not have 'order' in it. For some reason, the IntelliJ generated domain is not recognized as a valid domain class by grails.
- Added some fields to the domain class
- Generate the Controllerclass using IntelliJ (grails create-controller script is not good enough)
- Modified the 'def index = ...' into 'def scaffold = ...'
- run-app
- grails install-plugin acegi
- grails create-auth-domains  User Role Requestmap
- grails generate-manager
- grails generate-registration
- grails run-app
- Create userroles : ROLE_ADMIN and ROLE_USER
- Create user: admin with ROLE_ADMIN and user with ROLE_USER
- Create mapping: i.e. /Inventory/** for ROLE_ADMIN
-  grails run-app

To enable HTTPS:
- grails install-templates, ( the following code is generated from )
  <filter-name>Acegi Channel Processing Filter</filter-name>  
  <filter-name>Acegi Channel Processing Filter</filter-name>  

- Navigate to the src/templates/war and add the filter to the web.xml template there:- This following code should be put into yout grails-app/conf/spring/resource.groovy file (the entire file is reproduced here):

// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
    channelDecisionManager(ChannelDecisionManagerImpl) {  
        channelProcessors = [secureChannelProcessor, insecureChannelProcessor]  
    channelProcessingFilter(ChannelProcessingFilter) {  

- grails run-app --https
